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Trademark-2019 | Changes made to the designated names of goods and services for trademark registration, as well as cross index references

The 11th edition of the Nice Classification of Goods and Services added 485 items and deleted 119 items as well as amended 40 groups, subgroups or notes in total. These changes entered into force on January 1, 2019. The database of the classification and designated names of goods and services established in TIPO’s electronic filing system would be updated simultaneously. Thus, starting from January 1, 2019, those who apply to register trademarks through TIPO’s electronic filing system should download the latest version. If the designated names of the goods and services listed in an application form do not conform to those in the electronic filing system, the NT$300 application fee deduction will not be applied. Released by TIPO


Trademark-2019 | TIPO announced the draft amendments to the Trademark Act

To make sure the Trademark Act fits the country’s practice needs, starting from 2018, TIPO has been drafting amendments to the Act. Two consultation meetings, one attended by invited experts and scholars and the other on trademark examination quality, as well as a public hearing on the draft amendments to the Trademark Act, were held. Upon analyzing the suggestions provided by all circles of society on the public hearing on October 15, 2019, TIPO proposed the draft amendments to the Trademark Act (find the general description of the draft and a comparison table for the articles of the act before and after revision as attached.) In this latest draft, a total of 14 articles were amended and two new articles were added. The main points

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