Mainland China Trademark Office released an online addition of non-standard project declaration system

The Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office of China (hereinafter referred to as the Trademark Office) issued an online trademark registration application for non-standard project declaration system on May 20, 2020, which has been open to the public. After the release of the system, it will change the way in which non-standard projects can only be submitted in paper applications. When applying for trademark registration through the online system, applicants can not only choose to declare acceptable projects that have been disclosed, but also fill in non-standard projects by themselves, so as to work out the complete electronic application of trademark registration.

Non-standard items refer to acceptable items that are not listed in the “Similar Goods and Services Classification Table”, but whose project names are specific, accurate, and standardized, and conform to the principles of classification of goods and services. When applying, the applicant must pay attention to the clear and accurate description of the name of the product or service item itself, and comply with the general public’s language habits and rules of text usage; on the other hand, it must be able to distinguish it from other categories of goods or services. There should be no confusion and misidentification.

The Trademark Office will review the project name declared by the applicant. Upon review, if the applicant declares an incorrect or irregular project name, the Trademark Office will require the applicant to make corrections in accordance with Article 18 of the Implementation Regulations of the Trademark Law.

Released by TIPO

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